Category: Chess Tournaments

    Chess Club News Chess Tournaments
    Altadena Swiss Draws 55 Players

    Altadena Swiss Draws 55 Players

    With an undefeated score of 4.5-0.5, Axel Muller won clear first place in the upper section of the 3rd Altadena Swiss. After beating Expert Will Webster in Round 3, Muller delivered a lethal mating attack from an exchange down position in Round 4 against top rated Julian Colville. The 5-round event ended November 28, 2023. Runners-up at 4-1 were Darren Wang and Derek Li. Li was fresh off his undefeated 8-0 performance in the under 2000 section of the American Open. In the under 1200 section there was a 3-way tie between Miller Brown, Timothy Everett and Renton Chandler, who all won decisive games in the final round. Congrats to all!

    Chess Club News Chess Tournaments
    December Rapid Chess

    Think you’re the fastest? Join us in December for Rapid chess! This is a 4-round event in 3 sections, with Rounds 1 and 2 on December 5 and Rounds 3 and 4 on December 12.  The time control is Game 40 with 5 second delay in all sections. The sections are over 1700, under 1700 and under 1200.  You play two games each night against different opponents. The rounds starts at 6:45 and the next round starts immediately after all games are finished. All games will finish by 10:00 pm.


    The entry fee is $30 and should be paid online. No byes are allowed.

    Register here


    Chess Club News Chess Tournaments
    Julian Colville Wins Mount Lowe Swiss

    Julian Colville Wins Mount Lowe Swiss

    With an undefeated score of 5.5-0.5, top seed Julian Colville of Los Angeles won clear first place in the Mount Lowe  upper section. Julian is a rising local talent, having just turned 13 and already rated 2148. He plays an exciting brand of chess and his games always attract a crowd!  The 6 round event ended October 10, 2023 and drew 57 players with a prize fund of $750. Runner-up at 4.5-1.5 was Axel Muller. Frank Fan, Craig Vieregg and Rohan Daftuar shared third place/best under 1800 and David Peral was best under 1600. Andrew Chang won the under1400 section with a score of 5.5-0.5 and Sumit Daftuar was clear second at 5-1. Leya Daftuar and Ishan Pradbu shared third and Renton Chandler took best under 1000. 

    Congrats to all!


    Julian Colville
    Chess Club News Chess Tournaments
    Karl Tolentino Wins Club Championship
    NM Karl Tolentino

    National Master Karl Tolentino is San Gabriel Valley Chess Club’s 2023 Club Champion. He scored an impressive 6.5 out of 7 rounds in a field of 53 players. The event ran from March 21 to May 2 with an awards ceremony held on May 9. Club President John Wright presented Karl with the SGVCC Champions Cup, a perpetual trophy that now bears his name, as our first Club Champion. Karl has been SGVCC’s top rated player since it reopened in Altadena in October of 2021 and has finished first in 10 of the 14 events we have held. His dedication to SGVCC is most appreciated and he is a very deserving Champion!

    Engraved plaques were also given to Best in Rating Class winners. They were as follows:

    – Linus Eisenberg, Best Class B and clear second place;
    – Henry Castro, Best Expert and Nathan Gan, Best Class A and co-third place;
    – Ashley Lin, Best Class C;
    – Derek Li, Best Class D;
    – Jon Serrano, Best Class E; and
    – Leya Daftuar, Best under 1000.

    Local FIDE Master David Bassett donated $50 for an Upset Prize Award for most cumulative upset points. Joshua Sang was the winner, gaining 100 rating points for his effort.

    Congratulations to all the winners! Our 2024 Club Championship will start in March of next year.

    Chess Club News Chess Tournaments
    Play in the SGVCC Championship!

    We are pleased to announce our first Club Championship, a seven round event in one Open Section starting March 21, 2023.  The winner will have their name engraved on our new Perpetual Trophy, a large Loving Cup style trophy that will show the winners for many years to come. We will also have engraved plaques for top Expert, Class A-E, Unrated, and Under 1000.  Each plaque will have the SGVCC Logo and the winners name.  We encourage you to register early as we will likely have to cap entries at 70.  You can sign up at the link on our Calendar page. For further information contact me at

    The “perpetual trophy” will list Club Champions for many years to come. It’s at the workshop waiting to be engraved.
    “There can be only one!”

    Tentative pairings and standings here:

    John Wright, SGVCC President

    Chess Club News Chess Tournaments
    Happy Holidays from SGVCC!
    Holiday OTB Chess Club in Pasadena

    Hello SGVCC Members – We’ll start the New Year Open, a six round tournament, on January 3, 2023. There will be three sections and the last round ends on February 7th. A registration link with more details is below. The Club is closed on December 20 and 27. On behalf of your SGVCC Board, thanks to our players, parents, and volunteers for a great year. Membership is open to all chess enthusiasts and we hope to see a lot of new faces in 2023!

    Chess Tournaments
    Larry Stevens Wins Capa Open

    Congrats to NM Larry Stevens who only gave up a draw in his march to first place in the Capablanca Open. “Mr. e4” scores a nice win over top seed NM Axel Müller along the way. The event only had 8 participants and we are hoping more of you will join us for the 5 round Euwe Open that starts on September 17th. It will be played at our usual LiChess SGVCC Site. You need to join SGVCC at that site and let us know if you need any assistance.

    Sign up here:

    We will also hold The Cardano Open, a 6 minute +1 Arena Blitz event on September 10th. Join the fun!

    Join us here: The password is:
