Clubs League Season 3 Returns June 12!

    Clubs League Season 3
    Chess Club News

    We are pleased to announce that SGVCC will once again participate in Club match play on the site. This is your chance to show your club pride and share in the thrill of team match play.

    Each match consist of two segments: a Rapid game at 15 plus 2 second increment followed by a Blitz game at  3/2. All games count the same and you can play in both segments or just one if you prefer.

    The event will consist of seven matches played over  seven Saturdays starting June 12 thru July 31. July 10 is set aside for a makeup day if necessary. The match starts at 10:00 a.m. PST and generally ends by 11:30. Registration is open 1 hour before the start time and you can play as few or many matches as you like. We are asked to let the other team know how many players we expect each week and you can send that message to Team Administrator John Wright at JRWright on the site. Again, it is fine if you can’t play at the last minute and this is just a way to let the team captains organize things so everyone hopefully gets a game.

    Our first two seasons in Club League have been great fun and it is one of’s most popular events. We have played clubs from all across the U.S., Mexico and South America. We hope to see many of you there!